An  introduction for younger children to Google Earth/Google Maps,focusing on  the Geography of Place. Conditional activities are set so that once the students have watched the video and click the tick/checkbox, all the activities will then appear. 

Ages 8-10

This course in  Religious Education studird the concept of pilgrimage. It includes forums for reflection on the wider meaning and importance of "life journeys" and activities based around the life of St Bernadette of Lourdes.

Ages 12-14

We all need water! Let's look at things we are doing well and not so well in managing this precious resource.

Ages 11-adult

This course is designed for students studying Russian history. While it is aimed at British students working towards an examination, the content is suitable for any class studying the subject.

Ages 15-18

Mount Orange is proud to have in its community students, teachers, parents and helpers from a wide variety of different cultures. This course, open to anyone, showcases the diversity of our traditions, our language and our landscapes. Please join in:-)

Ages 8-adult