Singular or plural?

Singular or plural?

by Brian Franklin -
Number of replies: 4
Picture of Team South

Our course is called Digital Literacy but online I have seen it pluralised - Digital Literacies. Which is correct?

In reply to Brian Franklin

Re: Singular or plural?

by Jeffrey Sanders -
Picture of Team South

Both are correct - and neither! Don't worry too much about it. It is such a wide ranging topic that some people think using the singular term is not enough.

In fact, we look at one model which encompasses eight elements of Digital literacies. Perhaps when you've gone through that, you can come back and comment again?

In reply to Jeffrey Sanders

Re: Singular or plural?

by Barbara Gardner -
Picture of Team South

It's very confusing :-(

In reply to Barbara Gardner

Re: Singular or plural?

by Brian Franklin -
Picture of Team South

Thanks, Jeffrey (Sir)

I checked out the 8 elements book and now I am clearer. But I agree, Barbara - it is complex!

In reply to Brian Franklin

Re: Re: Singular or plural?

by Jeffrey Sanders -
Picture of Team South
I'm going to manually lock this discussion now as nobody has contributed for a while and we've agreed that we will use the plural term.